I am starting a little experiment when it comes to writing blog posts for this website. You will probably never really notice the difference but my first draft for this text was actually done on an old school manual typewriter.
Read MoreBlack and White Film
Stretching Along in Summer
I've got to say that summer has been rather great so far. I recently went out on a photo shoot near the northern rivers along the way from Portland to Astoria and had the opportunity to make some images I'm pretty happy with. I decided to keep things simple on this particular photo shoot and only had my Minolta SRT-101 with me with about five rolls of Ilford HP5.
Read More35mm Point And Shoot Session
The only camera I had with me was my trusty Pentax UC-1 which I normally keep in the glove box of my car loaded up with some Ilford HP5 film.
Read MoreWorld Pinhole Photography Day
I realize I am incredibly late to the party posting about World Pinhole Photography day several weeks after the fact but I just now got around to developing the film I worked with that day.
Read MoreOn The Road
I've been using a bit of down time before the real estate market ramps up for the spring to head out on the road with my camera and expose a few rolls of film.
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