Lately I've been doing a lot of pinhole photography by myself out in the woods. It's been rather refreshing and every once in a while I need to go through this type of phase with photography in order to give myself a re-set. It's nice sometimes to just do something simple and get back to basics a little bit. No models, no lugging huge amounts of equipment, no being responsible to anyone but me and my creative impulses.
For this photograph I decided to walk a little bit of the Pacific Crest Trail in the state of Washington with a Zero Image pinhole camera. I recently bought one of these after admiring them for many years and decided what the heck, why not? In the grand scheme of things they aren't particularly expensive and they are a lot of fun to use. I'll probably do a fuller right up on this camera in the coming weeks but really what is there to say? It's a lovely little camera, simple, well designed, and does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Most of the work I did on this particular roll of film was all the way down on the ground using a little mini tripod. Exposure time was several minutes long using Ilford FP4 film. Eventually I would love to turn this image into a salt print but for now I present a direct scan of the negative.