There was a time in my photographed career when I didn’t like Kodak Tmax film all that much. Maybe it was the lack of grain, even in the 400 speed version. Maybe it was the fact that I found the film to be too sharp. Maybe it was just simply that I didn’t like the yellow box that it came in. Looking back I honestly can’t say why I had that opinion because these days I’m rather fond of it.
For the past six months or so I’ve been gravitating toward Kodak Tmax 400 in particular. I’m sure that is in part due to the fact that the weather in the Pacific Northwest means a lot of dim lighting and a 400 speed film I can push and pull a little bit is very helpful. Once summer hits in full swing I’ll probably start using a slower speed film.
This particular photograph was made on a very cloudy day out on Sauvie Island north of Portland. The scene was much darker than the final photograph would have you believe. There were thick clouds in the sky and the forest canopy blocked out quite a bit of light. I photographed this hand held at around 1/15th of a second which accounts for some of the softness in the image, but I quite like it.