Here is another image photographed out in the Oregon Dunes near the southern coast of well…you guessed it…Oregon. The pose might be a little more bent toward “glamour” than I would normally go for but the scene looked so great in the moment I just had to photograph it this way. I am more than pleased with the resulting image and I’m particularly proud of the way I managed to hold on to a fair amount of detail in the shadows along the model’s figure despite the harsh quality of the lighting.
I have a lot more images to scan from this trip and and even more rolls of film that I have yet to develop. As usual, life can get in the way a bit which means the processing routine is slow going. Curses for having a regular job!! I’m sure every photographer and artist out there that just might happen to be reading this can relate. There is just never enough time in the day to get all the things done that you may want to.
For this image I photographed the scene with Kodak Tri-X metered at ISO 200 and developed for about 40% less time in Rodinal than I would had I metered the film at the box speed of ISO 400. I also had a very slight yellow filter over the lens in the form of a gel that I just held in place with my left hand while I tripped the shutter with my right hand. I haven’t had the funds yet to buy proper Hasselblad filters for my new camera so for now the gels will have to do