Yikes! It’s been too weeks since I’ve uploaded anything to this blog. Time is just getting away from me these days which cannot be helped I suppose. You’d think with all the time I’m sending at home I’d have the hours in the day to get everything done that I want, but alas, sitting at home does not necessarily equal time to be productive.
When I exposed this particular frame of film I was really worried the image would have far too much contrast and that the shadows would take over the entire image. I probably spent more time metering this image than I have anything else I’ve photographed in the last ten years. Honestly, I typically don’t spend a ton of time metering my images. I just find a fairly even spot that I know is going to be in the frame, take a reading with my hand held meter (a Gossen DigiSix) and then call it good. If I’m not feeling too confident, and the model is in a position where I can take some time, I might expose one frame over and under just for good measure. Let’s just say, a zone system photographer I am not!
Thankfully, even though the shadows are rather heavy, I think this image worked out. All the light in the scene is coming in from a window directly to the right of the frame and the morning sun was blazing in. You’d never know that it was actually really cold outside.