In my old age I’ve really started to appreciate people who are willing to get together and do photo sessions incredibly early in the morning. Why you might ask? Well, these days I naturally wake up at 5am, whether I want to or not, and I’m dead tired by 7pm. If that isn’t a sign of a certain kind of maturity I don’t know what is.
Ultimately this was one of those photographs that just was destined to be. I went to the model’s apartment in the early morning hours for a quick session on a Saturday morning. She had a little space in her living room where she did yoga over Zoom every few days. I figured hey, why break the routine? So while she ran through some of her favorite poses I snapped off frame after frame and I think this was my favorite image of the day.
For me it’s the triangular shape of the church out the window that really makes the image. I was actually hoping it would be a bit more in focus but I was forced to use a relatively shallow depth of field (f/5.6 for the record) due tot he fact that the light was overcast and I didn’t bring a tripod with me. You can’t have it all I suppose!