I arrived back in Portland a couple of days ago with a large chunk of film to develop, a whole lot of mail to open, and a comfortable bed that feels oh so good after two weeks in California. It’s always the sign of a really good vacation when you are incredibly happy to be home at the end of it.
I did a couple of photoshoots while I was gone, mostly in the area where I grew up which is around Gilroy and Morgan Hill California. It felt a little odd to be doing photo sessions in the region of my childhood home. I was practicing photography during the time I lived there, my teenage years, but I certainly wasn’t doing nudes back then. Mostly pictures of fire hydrants and mail boxes. I never would have imagined back then that decades later I would be tromping through out of the way fields doing the work I do today but with the same camera I held in my hands back then - my trusty Minolta SRT-101.
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