I've been having a lot of "luck" lately when it comes to making double exposures. I put luck in quotes because I swear no matter how much experience and practice I have with with making in-camera double exposures my success rate and coming out the other side with a pleasing image is relatively low. As it stands however, I've been on a good streak with them so the moment I finish typing out this sentence I'm going to slam my knuckles on a slap of wood and call it good.
The above image was made on Fuji FP-100c peel apart instant film mounted to a Mamiya RZ67. As with most of my Fuji Instant posts, the image I ultimately decided to publish to the internet is the recovered negative, as opposed to the instant positive. I tend to like the resulting color negative better. Less saturated, sharper, and a bit of pleasing grain just for good measure.