You know, if I could have one super power I think I would choose having the ability to go through life without sleep. Oh the things I could accomplish if I had a full 24-hours a day to work with instead of the meager 16 to 18 hours a day I get now. Biology just isn't fair with this whole need to rest every once in a while.
But in all seriousness, I know I've been ignoring my photography, and this blog, a little bit over the past month. Believe me when I say that isn't on purpose or out of any sort of desire to back away from photography. Life has just been getting away from me a little bit and I've had to focus on my career outside of creativity in order to get to a comfortable place where I can spend more time with my photographs.
Over the coming weeks I'm hoping to correct that a little bit and get some long overdue film developed that I can share here!