I spent a lot of time over the winter venturing out into the wilderness and doing a lot of landscapes. It was a fun change of pace for me and it felt really good to more autonomous with my photography. Loading up a backpack with my Mamiya RZ67, about five rolls of Ilford HP5, and then just seeing what happens. Usually when I go out on photoshoots and I have a model with me I feel a sense of responsibility to make something "good". When I work alone that expectation goes away and in a sense that is a very freeing and exhilerating frame of mind that I'm not necessarily used to.
It was an incredibly foggy day when this frame was exposed. There were a lot of signs the sky was going to start pouring rain at any second so I was cautious to bring the camera out of my backpack for more than a few minutes at a time. I'm somewhat paranoid to bring any of my cameras out with electronics into the rain. Probably overly paranoid. In this case I lucked out though as I managed to hike a five mile trail before the sky opened up later that afternoon.